Computer Frustration

I am sooo frustrated with techno-nonsense!!

My old computer had it's modem fried so I gave it to the kids for school. It has Windows XP and will support my older printer/copier/scanner.

My newer computer has Windows Vista and will not 'talk to' my printer/copier/scanner.

Old computer has Print Shop where I make personalized family calenders for Christmas.

New computer has Print Shop, but will not 'talk to' new printer (only from Print Shop. Works fine everywhere else!).

I sat down this evening to work on calenders, turned on old computer and there is a message. "Operating System Not Found" Excuse me?? It was there when I left!!

No matter what I tried, the Operating System was no where to be found. GRRRRR!

I have searched every piece of round plastic we own, looking for an operating system! Any system will do!

I searched among the computer cds (what do we need 6 AOL cds for? We don't even USE AOL!!), music cds (Oh, that's where the 4-Him cds are!!) and all our dvds. No Windows nuthin!

The kids are ticked. After all of my nagging for them to watch what they're doing, I'M the one who crashes the darn thing!

I'm thinking we're very close to going back to pencils & paper, dictionaries & encyclopedias!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh how frustrating! Hoping you got everything worked out. your photo :)